Hospitals & Institutions
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings. H&I meetings are intended to simply introduce those attending to some of the basics of the NA program. Some of the H&I locations include Marin County Jail, San Quentin, Center Point, and more.
Meets on Zoom and in-person on the 1st Sunday of the month.
Orientation starts 3:00pm and the meeting starts at 3:30pm.
Zoom - ID: 836 4746 0391 PW: 060063
In-Person – First Presbyterian Church (In Steward room facing Mission Ave.). 1510 5th Ave., San Rafael
1st Sunday of the month, except when Holidays happen such as Memorial Day and Labor Day, then it is the 2nd Sunday. Meeting Starts at 3:30 PM, H&I Orientation 3:00 PM.